Monday, September 13, 2010

Vent Sketches

(Below are some initial renders. Each image can be clicked for a larger view)

Part 1: Offgassing

Part 2: Mini Climaxes

Friday, August 13, 2010

Idea2: Body as Mask and center of animation

Animated arms swing out and around from center point of dancer. Can use body to mask out center shape. Illuminate center? Perhaps for most of it.

Idea1: Image Threshold Bursting

Repeating pattern as a class, each in stasis until punctured by the image of dancer.  Shouldn't be too hard. Utilizes BW theshold of video layer and looks for pixel interaction. Require that camera be still.

Strategies for Chamber

Part of my process when doing visual programming is to sketch out what i would like the end result to look like, then try and reverse-engineer that image line by line with code. Here are some ideas bouncing around my mind of how realtime animation could look like on stage.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Gate = single input multiple outputs
Switch = multiple inputs single output
Speed Limit = only grab numbers at certain times
Line = smoothing
Ramp =single variable delay
Pipe = dynamic multiple inputs, delays

UDP send/receive X,Y

udpsend port  (udpsend ip port)
udpreceive port
Two different port


Jeremy's Computer - MAX main control, udp receive x,y and input
John's Computer - Camera receive/process, arduino

run off our own router

Monday, June 14, 2010


Considering Titles

Opening: "Tremor" (intro)
Second: (mythology part, unnamed)

Third: "Chamber" (solo)
Finale: "Vent" (finale)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Website Organization

In thinking through the interface of our new site, I am trying to clearly define how users will navigate our webpage. Generally speaking, we will want to give visitors an INTUITIVE experience, a CLEAN and UNCLUTTERED interface, and to navigate with as FEW CLICKS POSSIBLE to get what they want.

Often times this is easier said than done. Below is an outline of what I am initially imagining. I know this is a busy time in the term, but if you can shoot me any feedback about how to organize our information on the site based on the image below, it would greatly help me. Each tier of the below image would be available per click. So intially they can choose from "The Collaborative", "Accomplishments" and "Vitals". Clicking on each of those would move to the next level of detail, etc.

(click on above image to go larger)

I'm eager to hear any thoughts...
Thanks all!
