Friday, April 30, 2010

More Ramp Ideas (+ IR cameras, etc)

Here is another 'sketch' of a stage layout with key components: 15 degree sloped ramp, digital projector for lighting/animation, IR LED flood light (to coat ramp with invisible infrared light), and a video camera to read invisible light/process and trigger real-time animation and audio triggers.

I'll be honest about my lack of experience and knowledge of stage logistics. But in my own naivety this is what I envision following our discussions and in looking at other animation examples.

Learning New Tools

In order to better interact with Jeremy's musical process and link it up to animation and Brad's real-time movement, I'm starting to learn Max/MSP/Jitter - a program that enables realtime audio and video manipulation. One of the biggest hurtles is that the program uses an object-oriented model of programming (or patching) of elements. This is very different than other software environments I have used.

After a couple hours of fidgeting around I've managed to load in movies, manipulate speed, overlay an alpha-channel enabled animation over video, get a feed from a camera, and access Quicktime effects (though they slow the system down considerably).

I also went to see Brad rehearse with Adam, Shannon and Nicole. One theme they are working with that I am interested in is retrograde motion. This could have an interesting accumulative or dualistic (forward/backward) visual component to it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ramping Up

Initial Plans for Brad's solo:

  • Dance confined to a 10'x10' platform
  • Ramp with roughly a 15 degree incline so audience can see movement 
  • Top-down projection / sole light source (no stage lighting)
  • Realtime animation + scored/realtime audio events 
  • Sensors at four corners (IR or US)
Initial designs for ramp created to be broken down into two parts, each 5'x10'x2.6'

Here is half, mostly built from 2x4's, a couple 2x6's and some sheathing for surface subfloor. Brad will need to give input for suitable top-surface

Showing the split

Stacked for storage

This may help understand the angle (15 degrees)
